what is intuitive animal communication?
✨ Chances are, you've been using intuitive animal communication without even realizing it. Do you ever speak for your animal? Do you ever look at them and just "know" what they want or need?
This IS intuitive animal communication!
✨ Intuitive animal communication is simply a connection between humans and animals that transcends traditional verbal interactions. When intuitively communicating with animals, we can use our non-verbal cues, energy, thoughts, and emotions to communicate with them.
✨ We can receive messages through what are commonly referred to as our "clairsenses."
The main clairs are:
Clairvoyance = clear seeing
This is what most people think of as psychic ability—a person who sees images in their mind's eye.
Clairaudience = clear hearing
An example of this is hearing the answer to a question in your mind, rather than hearing it outside of yourself.
Clairsentience = clear feeling
This is the ability to sense or feel information related to emotions, energy or events without and direct evidence.
Claircognizance = clear knowing
This is when you know something without having any reason to know it.
Clairgustance = clear tasting
An example of this could be tasting your favorite childhood treat, made by your grandmother, in your mouth without actually eating it in the present
Clairalience = clear smelling
An example of this is smelling the perfume of a deceased loved one out of nowhere. This is often interpreted as them visiting you.
Clairempathy = clear empathy
An example of this is knowing how someone is feeling without them telling you. You can simply sense it without being told.
✨ Let me give you a funny example:
On January 1st, a client asked me to speak to her dog, who had eaten too many treats on New Year's Eve and was suffering from an upset tummy. When I connected with her dog, Selene, she confirmed her tummy was upset in two ways.
First, I heard her say, "My mom is correct" (clairaudience) in my mind, then she showed me a picture of herself lying back on the couch with junk food wrappers and empty soda cans around her (clairvoyance). She was showing me that she understood why she didn’t feel well! She also asked for some pumpkin in her food, which I was able to pass along to Mom, who had actually already started giving it to her (clairsentience). Selene says pumpkin is like "Alka-Seltzer to the rescue!" for dogs. These babies are generally hilarious beings!
✨ We all have the ability to communicate telepathically; we just lose our way as we grow up. I am here to show you that you can communicate deeply with your animal(s), both while they are living and in spirit.
I'll leave you to chew on this for today.
For the animals,
Emily ✨