How to Prepare for Intuitive Animal Communication
Hello and welcome! I’m so happy you’re here. Today, I want to share practices that help me prepare for intuitive animal communication (aka telepathically… with my mind). When I first heard about intuitive animal communication, I was intrigued. I did what we all do when we want to know more—I read the books, took the classes, and started practicing with my animals, offering free readings to anyone interested. As it turns out, I’ve been doing this my entire life, and I’m guessing you have as well.
Okay, so let’s get into it (as my daughter says)!
Meditation – You Knew This Was Coming
If you don’t already have a dedicated meditation practice, this is where I’d urge you to start. Our minds are often distracted and busy. As a woman with AuDHD, I know a thing or two about a chatty mind. I am not being dramatic when I say meditation has been absolutely life-changing for me. It was incredibly instrumental in my spiritual journey and awakening.
There are countless apps, YouTube videos, and music options to help you find what works. This will change from day to day, so have options ready. Be patient with yourself and keep showing up. I’d be lying if I said it gets easier—it hasn’t (for me)—but the benefits show up in the most incredible ways.
Mantras – A Game-Changer
Wow, you guys, I wish I could shout this one from the rooftops! Mantras are a close second to meditation in the life-changing category. I keep it simple, often repeating: “I am here. I am now.” until I feel calm or until the storm has passed. Mantras are powerful tools for calling yourself back to the present moment.
Affirmations also work incredibly well as mantras:
I am safe.
I am loved.
I am abundant.
Good things are always happening to me.
Ever wake up with your mind already racing? Instead of letting it spiral, try interrupting those automatic thoughts with a mantra: “I AM HERE. I AM NOW.” Try it and let me know how it works for you!
Nature – My Ultimate Reset
If you know me at all, even a little bit, you know nature is my JAMMMMM. Being in nature helps attune you to the energy of all living beings, strengthening your intuitive abilities. When I can’t be outside, it helps to have houseplants, rocks, and other nature-inspired elements inside the house. Nature reminds us to slow down, have patience, and trust in the natural order of life.
Grounding + Clearing Energy
Have you ever felt energetically sticky? Maybe after a day of running errands, you can’t quite shake that bizarre encounter at the grocery store. Or perhaps someone’s words or even a glance is lingering in your mind, bugging you.
This is when I call in Archangel Michael to assist in clearing my energy and cutting energetic cords. Archangel Michael is known as a powerful protector who helps clear negative energy and restore balance. He assures me he loves to help us and arrives the second he’s called. I simply say:
“Archangel Michael, I thank you for cutting my energetic cords, for sending any energy around me that is not mine back with love, and I lovingly call back all of my energy as well.”
And that’s that. Try it and see how you feel afterward.
Journaling – A Lifelong Practice
Writing things down with pen on paper is a powerful way to clear your mind. This has been a lifelong practice for me, starting when my uncle bought me the cutest Little Orphan Annie journal at a flea market when I was around seven. I was obsessed with it! I still have that journal, along with all my others over the years.
You will learn so much about yourself through journaling. I’ve even realized that if I go to my journal with an issue on my mind, I can often work it out on my own! Try journaling after an intuitive session with an animal—write down any impressions, feelings, or messages you receive.
Final Thoughts
Intuitive animal communication is a gift that allows us to form deeper bonds with the natural world. By practicing presence, trust, and respect, we can unlock an incredible exchange of love and wisdom with the animals around us.
I’d love to hear from you! Which of these practices do you already use? Which one are you excited to try? Drop me a comment or message—I’d love to connect!
Email me at or come visit me on Instagram @soulfultails_byemily. To book an animal communication session, request a letter from heaven, or schedule time practice with me check out my offerings tab on my website.